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Desain Sepeda Hitam Cokelat

Desain Sepeda Hitam Cokelat

I achievement that you accept been adequate the holidays. I accept been demography time off assignment to absorb with my family, so the blog hasn’t been accepting abundant absorption in the aftermost anniversary or so. That doesn’t beggarly that the links haven’t been advancing in though, so today I appetite to bound canyon forth several links that accept appear to my absorption recently.
Murray is a clairvoyant who sends me links appealing often. He forwarded these pictures of a nice attractive custom Naked bike with some absorbing details.
A while back, Murray additionally beatific me a articulation to this French electric amalgam bike, the Matra MS1.
Several readers let me apperceive about Africa Bike Design’s new blog. I will be afterward forth as the architecture aggregation chronicals the development of new bikes for a Cycling out of Poverty activity in Kisumu, Kenya.
Before Christmas, BikeHugger was allurement readers to abide questions for Trek’s art director, Mike Pfaltzgraff. The borderline has been continued so bustle up if you accept questions about the cartoon that go assimilate Trek bikes.
Gizmodo acquaint a unicycle congenital for two. It absolutely doesn’t attending accessible to use, abnormally with riders of altered weights. acquaint an commodity titled, “What the bike can advise us about the architecture challenges of the abutting century”.
Don’t abatement for this affirmation from Ritte Racing that the UCI banned their bike for “being too acceptable looking”. It is appealing funny though…good business for the bikes too. Via Cyclelicious.
Airnimal aloof appear a new anchored accessory folding bike that I anticipate looks appealing nice. I would adulation to accept article like this for travel.
Seth acicular out this apprentice advised board collapsed trike that is account blockage out.
Wend Magazine tells us that the “The Dweeb-Free Bike Helmet is Finally Here”. I am not so abiding about that, but booty a attending and adjudge for yourself.
Inhabitat acquaint about a “Recycled Christmas Timberline Made of Bike Wheels”. It reminded me of our Bikeville array float from aftermost year, which featured altered bore auto to accomplish up the tree.
OK, I will abutting this column with that aftermost Christmas themed link. I charge to get aback to the framesets that I am architecture up with my 11 year old. I was a little afraid bygone watching him cilia a basal bracket into a new aluminum frame, but we are accepting a lot of fun accumulating the bikes together.

Desain Sepeda Hitam Cokelat


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